Thursday, November 26, 2009

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solut

The deer are stripping the trees in the fall of the year such as now, and also in the early spring, especially the early buds. I surmise that they have started to run out of things to eat in the forest and are coming to my trees again. I have heard of and used human hair and urine (gross) as a repellent, and tin pans flapping the the breeze, whatever. Any other suggestions?

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

go to they have Plantskydd spray which is impervious to rain as it is slightly oily, a sterile composition of bovine and porcine blood.

My neighbors wonder why the deer eat their roses, but not mine. I just say I have them well-threatened :)

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

What are those common deer-resistant trees and shrubs?

http://homegarden.expertvillag... Report It

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

Spray your trees with a soapy water solution. It will keep the deer from eating them and it will not harm the enviroment.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

Try hanging bars of soap from the trees. Every time it rains it washes the scent all over. Ivory works best.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

This solution involves a shotgun. End of problem.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

Believe it or not I actually found human hair and urine (as gross as that may be, although if you are a drinker peeing on a tree shouldn't be a problem) to work well this year and save my hostis plants around the house.

Morgalite (sp?) was also recommended but I didn't give it a try. Whatever you do, just make sure you reapply after each rain.

Do you have a dog? I'm sure dog pee works just as well.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

i know this made sound weird but go to your local zoo and purchase some lion crap,i did it to get rid of cats crapping on my lawn.its a smell thing ,they instinctively smell a predator.worked a treat for me more pussy .except in the bedroom thankfully

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

I don't know the answer but I would also be interested to hear some, as we have a deer problem - they eat my fruit trees here in Canada too!

If you get a good answer, I'll take note!

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

Have you tried putting chicken wire round the trees.Hope you feed the deer.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

yeh eat the deer venison lovely

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

Try hanging aluminum plates from the bottom branches, but hang two or three really close so they bang into each other in the wind, this might scare them off...

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

You can buy predator urine extract on-line or at farm supply stores. You put it around the your yard and the deer won't come near it thinking there is a bear or mountain lion or any of a number of other predators present.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

I've had good luck keeping the deer away from trees by placing 5 foot high stakes around the tree and wrapping it with electrically conductive string. You can find this type of string, used in electric fences on-line or at your nearest Agway. The deer think the fence is electrified and they stay away, even though they could easily break the line.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

I have 28 fruit trees in my yard and deer come through my yard daily. They were eating my fruit trees until I got some of the green vinyl covered wire fencing that comes in rolls that are 4' tall by 50' long. I've found this fencing material at both Lowe's and Home Depot. I made 5 cages out of each roll (each cage taking 10' of caging material) and supported them with 3 T posts each. Some of my trees have begun to reach over the tops of these cages, and the deer have taken little nibbles at the ends of the branches that hang over the tops of the cages, but the majority of the tree stays intact. If a tree tends to grow toward one side of the cage or another I loosely tie one end of a leg of pantyhose around the trunk of the tree and tie the other end of the pantyhose to one of the T posts to straighten it back up so that the deer can't get to the main trunk.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

we use tall fencing around each tree. My FIL uses an electric fence but that only is good if you have a big area you want to cover and not individual trees scattered hither and yon.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

In my area a late frost damaged a lot of the deer food in the woods and the deer have been eating everything that they can. Unfortunately for you deer...especially hungry ones...will sooner or later get used to any type of noise or motion deterrent. Scent deterrents take lot of upkeep due to fog, rain and wind and must constantly be reapplied and in time they too will become inaffective. With winter coming on and the rut close at hand deer are beginning to feed heavily which makes most things even less effective. In the spring they are weak and therefore bolder also. The best measure that you can take is also the most costly and that is fencing. A four foot fence may work in less pressing times but to really prevent a deer a 7 or 8 foot fence is required.

I have deer eating my young fruit trees, I live in a state forest and there are a lot of deer, solutions?

HUMAN HAIR... Head to your local hairdresser at the end of the work day and offer to sweep up for them...take all this hair and circle all your trees with it... Hit numerous hairdressers... Knock the deer right out of the yard with the scent!!!

: )

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