Thursday, November 26, 2009

The wrongly curved palate of the west?

In Martin Amis's "Time's Arrow", the narrator described Schloss Hartheim ( one of the Nazi killing centers) as follow:

"Above its archways and gables the evening sky is full of our unmentionable mistakes, hydrocephalic clouds and the wrongly curved palate of the west, and the cinders of our fires. I can see a lock of snow-white human hair drifting upwards, then joining the more elliptical and elemental rhythm of the middle air."(p.155)

Who can interpret this paragraph for me?

I especially want to know what is "the wrongly curved palate of the west" and "the more elliptical and elemental rhythm of the middle air".

Please give me a favor.

The wrongly curved palate of the west?

Beautifully written paragraph. He is discussing the air being filled with the cinders that come from the cremation houses - the wrongly curved palate of the west refers to Western civilization's fascination with war and violence - as opposed to Eastern civilization which is based much more on spirituality and peace. Western society leans in the wrong direction.

The elliptical and elemental rhythm of the middle air would be I suppose the clouds high in the sky, oval shaped and floating across the sky in a very natural rhythm as they always have and always will. Bits of white hair from the elderly who die in the gas chambers mix with the white clouds and almost look as though they are part of them. Symbolically, it could refer to the souls going up to heaven. This is a very powerful paragraph. Pax - C

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