Thursday, November 26, 2009

More aliens in my freshwater tank!?

The other day i discovered some snails in my 2.5 gallon tank which is currently in its second week of cycling. Today while taking a closer look i discovered these worm like things slithering around in the glass. They are white, very,very small, about 2mm - 4mm in lenght and about the same width as a human hair.

Are these parasites? should i get rid of them? how? please tell me if my female swordfish is at risk, I was planning on getting more fish but i can't until i figure out what the hell these are.

If you have not read my other question, the snails came from some java moss I had purchased when i initially cycled the tank which is probably where these little worm things come form.

More aliens in my freshwater tank!?

There are a few different worms you could be describing. Leeches come in white but don't move in that "S" shaped slither, they move by stretching themselves, sucking on with their mouth, then scrunching themselves up. You can just grab these with a large plant tweezers, they die out of water. Planaria come in several colors (beigish-white is one); many are harmless but some will suck blood. They move more like snails, often have a small arrow-shaped head, generally eat leftover food and dead plant material, propagate by laying eggs and by subdividing, are harmless to fish (some fish, supposedly, eat them but I've never found a fish that will, not even bettas). They are hard to get rid of because they are easily dismembers and each segment will grow into a new worm, plus they lay eggs you can't see which will hatch into more worms. The other worm that it sounds like it could be are nematodes, they look like little whitish (but they also come in darker colors) worm worms, real thin and usually less than 1/4" long, move in that squiggly "S" movement (like a snake), often will wiggle out of the water right above the waterline if you have a lid on the tank (so the air right above the waterline is moist). These are usually harmless and many young fish eat them (they're good baby fish food), live in plants and sometimes very large snails. All these worms can be eradicated by sprinkling just a pinch of Panacur (dog and horse deworming medication--comes in powder but also in a liquid (then it's just a couple drops) but don't over medicate). Panacur will kill the worms but won't hurt fish (even baby fish), plants, snails, shrimp. However, most vets won't just give you or sell you Panacur; I've bought it online at pet med shops. I'd try to avoid tearing down your whole tank because you'll lose all your beneficial bacteria and have to cycle all over again. With the exception of blood sucking leeches (and not all are but you can't tell until one latches onto a fish (or you)), the other worms won't hurt your fish. I have a feeling yours are nematodes--the ones that come out of hte water you can just wipe off with a papertowel. Otherwise, once you get more fish in your tank, you probably won't see too many of these worms around and weekly tank cleanings %26amp; water changes will keep their numbers in check.

More aliens in my freshwater tank!?

Yes, I think I know what you're talking about. My giant catfish's tank had those white hair line worms as well. I had to remove my catfish to another temporary holding area while I sterilized the entire tank and the equipments. There's no way of completely getting rid of these worms unless you clean out EVERYTHING. If you have no sterilizing products at hand, you can clean out the entire area and whatever tank equipments with mildly hot water. Be sure to put your fish in another holding area first. Also, I suggest that if you feed your fish with fish meal products or any meat based products, you need to get a good filtering system or clean the environment pretty often. These pesky worms come about when the meat based food becomes stale and is collected in the tank for a long time. The snails could be gotten rid of easily by removing the java moss. There are chemical solutions and other products that kill off such pests but I don't recommend it as some fish react poorly to it.

More aliens in my freshwater tank!?

I've been having the same problem - Jungle Brand Parasite Guard temporarily gets rid of them. They seem to be reappearing though.

More aliens in my freshwater tank!?

I had that problem before and i added some sea salt to the water and they went away. Um, not sure if it is the exact problem, but worked for me, just thot id help.

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