Saturday, June 19, 2010

Crime help.... anyone good?

Who directs the activities during the investigation at a crime scene?

the mayor of the city

the police chief

the first officer on the scene

the lead forensic investigator

the police on the scene

2: Upon arrival at the scene the first priority is


catch the criminal

find good evidence


first aid for victims

3: The first walk through the crime scene includes

overall photography of the scene

touching as few things as possible

securing the crime scene

documenting smells and sounds around crime scene

all of the above

4: 4. When using hair for evidence it is good to know that

hair is not easily destroyed

hair cannot help determine race

hair can be used in DNA analysis

human hair can easily be confused with that of animals

Two answers are correct

5: 5. Fingerprints are helpful in a case because

criminals always leave them behind

fingerprints are absolutely unique to each individual human being

fingerprints cannot be easily destroyed or obscured

there is already a large collection of criminal閳ユ獨 fingerprints on record with the FBI

they can be quickly and easily processed

6: 6. Blood at the scene of the crime can be used

for DNA analysis

for identification of the weapon

for determining position of the victim and the assailant

for blood typing

all of the above

7: 7. What can Christians use to help solve the crime problem in America?

tell people to make better choices

practice self restraint and stop all criminals

share the love, hope and acceptance of God for those caught in a life of crime

our money

a stronger police force

8: 8. Some studies of trends in crime show

increased poverty causes increased crime

crime increases when people want to do their own thing, stop restraining themselves

crime increased with increased religious revival

crime decreased as religion decreased

increased law enforcement and police forces stop crime

9: 9. What is used by forensic scientists to solve crime?


scientific method

deductive reasoning

chemical analysis

all of the above

10: 10. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a civil crime?



internet hoaxes

pollution of the nation閳ユ獨 waterways

unsafe medicines being sold to the public

Crime help.... anyone good?

do your own homework!!!!!

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