Saturday, June 19, 2010

Forinsic science help big grade?

ok im studing for the tes and i have these questions to answer so i need the answers so when i take the pre non grade test i can go back and study the answers and the questions before the actually Big Grade Test

1: Who directs the activities during the investigation at a crime scene?

the mayor of the city

the police chief

the first officer on the scene

the lead forensic investigator

the police on the scene

2: Upon arrival at the scene the first priority is


catch the criminal

find good evidence


first aid for victims

3: The first walk through the crime scene includes

overall photography of the scene

touching as few things as possible

securing the crime scene

documenting smells and sounds around crime scene

all of the above

4: 4. When using hair for evidence it is good to know that

hair is not easily destroyed

hair cannot help determine race

hair can be used in DNA analysis

human hair can easily be confused with that of animals

Two answers are correct

5: 5. Fingerprints are helpful in a case because

criminals always leave them behind

fingerprints are absolutely unique to each individual human being

fingerprints cannot be easily destroyed or obscured

there is already a large collection of criminal閳ユ獨 fingerprints on record with the FBI

they can be quickly and easily processed

6: 6. Blood at the scene of the crime can be used

for DNA analysis

for identification of the weapon

for determining position of the victim and the assailant

for blood typing

all of the above

7: 7. What can Christians use to help solve the crime problem in America?

tell people to make better choices

practice self restraint and stop all criminals

share the love, hope and acceptance of God for those caught in a life of crime

our money

a stronger police force

8: 8. Some studies of trends in crime show

increased poverty causes increased crime

crime increases when people want to do their own thing, stop restraining themselves

crime increased with increased religious revival

crime decreased as religion decreased

increased law enforcement and police forces stop crime

9: 9. What is used by forensic scientists to solve crime?


scientific method

deductive reasoning

chemical analysis

all of the above

10: 10. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a civil crime?



internet hoaxes

pollution of the nation閳ユ獨 waterways

unsafe medicines being sold to the public

11: 11. The person being accused and tried in court for a crime is called the






12: Compared to the CSI shows on television the work of a crime scene is

very similar in most ways

is often much slower and very smelly

fast paced, glamorous and varied

seldom able to stop long enough to look for detail

involved in the great amount of documentation and very little hands on work involved

13: 13. Which statement is NOT TRUE?

Forensic means applied to law

Science and the law work together in forensic science

Scientists and the law have worked together in forensic science since the days of the Bible

Some of the earliest forensic scientists were actually criminals working for the police force

The fictional character Sherlock Holmes introduced the idea of using scientific thinking to solve crimes

14: 14. A forensic investigator checks the fingerprints found at the site of the crime with those of a witness. The investigator reasons that the witness committed the crime. What step of the scientific method is this?



Testing the hypothesis



15: Observations made at the crime scene by an investigator

must be documented accurately

are of great value in court

are a source of clues to help solve the crime

lead to a hypothesis about the cause of the crime

all of the above

16: 16. Securing the crime scene does not involve

protecting potential evidence from being destroyed

safety of those witnesses and investigators on the scene

including as few investigators and police officials as possible

walking extensively throughout the scene

keeping out curious onlookers even policemen

17: After the collection and examination of evidence the next step is

make a hypothesis

send the evidence to crime lab for further processing

write up testimony for the trial

interrogate the suspects

turn everything over the police captain

18: The goal of the forensic investigator as he collects evidence at the scene is

get as many pieces of evidence as possible in the shortest time

collect all possible pieces of evidence in a common container to be separated at the in the crime lab

catch a suspect quickly

preserve and document each piece of evidence in the best most appropriate manner

all of the above

19: 19. Physical evidence is often of greater value than observations remembered by witnesses because

observations and memories change

physical evidence does not forget the facts

observation and memory can be altered by perception

physical evidence does not change over time

all of the above

20: 20. Which of the following would be the best way to collect and preserve a letter by the victim found at the scene of an crime?

plastic envelope


refrigerated bottle

brown paper bag

label with a felt tip marker

21: 21. What type of crime was committed if the victim was attacked and beaten with a metal bar?

aggravated assault

simple assault



grand larceny

22: During the last century many changes have taken place in crime and punishment. The purpose of punishment has become

more vengeful

a means of serving justice

get the criminal off the street

help the guilty change their behavior

all of the above

23: Which of the following was the most important factor causing crime in the 20th Century?

increased population

a more stable economy

invention of cars and computers

lower church attendance

corrupt police departments

24: According to US statistics violent and armed crime has

decreased since 1994

increased since 1994

continually increased from 1900 to 2000

stayed about the same throughout the century

steadily decreased since 1950

25: A lesser criminal act which is generally punished less severely than felonies is called.






26: What type of forensic scientist should be called if a group of human bones are discovered after a suspicious fire?

Forensic Osteologist

Physical anthropologist

Cultural anthropologist

Forensic anthropologist

Forensic boneologist

27: What seems to be a major reason for the recent increase in the number of students studying forensic science?

increased rates of crime

bored students

popularity of CSI television shows

increased awareness of a need for justice and freedom


28: Select the correct order for procedures at the crime scene.

set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt;walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;document evidence--%26gt;process evidence

set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;move bodies and evidence out of the way--%26gt;walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;document evidence--%26gt;process evidence

walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt; document evidence--%26gt;process evidence

set up perimeters--%26gt; document evidence--%26gt;process evidence--%26gt; isolate witnesses--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt;walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner

set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;document evidence--%26gt;process evidence--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt;walk through

29: Bloodstain pattern analysis can help identify

type of weapon used

location of victim at time of injury was inflicted

suspect by matching to stains on clothing

type of impact victim received

all of the above

30: Questioned Documents used for evidence could include all BUT the following:

a pencil found near the victim

a photocopier used in a mail fraud case

computer disks found in the drawer of the victim

computer printer used by the suspect

handwriting analysis by graphology

Forinsic science help big grade?

Who directs the activities during the investigation at a crime scene?

the mayor of the city

the police chief

the first officer on the scene

Correct: the lead forensic investigator

the police on the scene

2: Upon arrival at the scene the first priority is

Correct: safety

catch the criminal

find good evidence


first aid for victims

3: The first walk through the crime scene includes

overall photography of the scene

touching as few things as possible

securing the crime scene

documenting smells and sounds around crime scene

Correct: all of the above

4: 4. When using hair for evidence it is good to know that

hair is not easily destroyed

hair cannot help determine race

hair can be used in DNA analysis

human hair can easily be confused with that of animals

Correct: Two answers are correct

5: 5. Fingerprints are helpful in a case because

criminals always leave them behind

Correct: fingerprints are absolutely unique to each individual human being

fingerprints cannot be easily destroyed or obscured

there is already a large collection of criminal閳ユ獨 fingerprints on record with the FBI

they can be quickly and easily processed

6: 6. Blood at the scene of the crime can be used

for DNA analysis

for identification of the weapon

for determining position of the victim and the assailant

for blood typing

Correct: all of the above

7: 7. What can Christians use to help solve the crime problem in America?

tell people to make better choices

practice self restraint and stop all criminals

Correct: share the love, hope and acceptance of God for those caught in a life of crime

our money

a stronger police force

8: 8. Some studies of trends in crime show

increased poverty causes increased crime

Correct: crime increases when people want to do their own thing, stop restraining themselves

crime increased with increased religious revival

crime decreased as religion decreased

increased law enforcement and police forces stop crime

9: 9. What is used by forensic scientists to solve crime?


scientific method

deductive reasoning

chemical analysis

Correct: all of the above

10: 10. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a civil crime?

Correct Answer: murder

Your Choice: forgery

internet hoaxes

pollution of the nation閳ユ獨 waterways

unsafe medicines being sold to the public

11: 11. The person being accused and tried in court for a crime is called the




Correct: defendant


12: Compared to the CSI shows on television the work of a crime scene is

very similar in most ways

Correct: is often much slower and very smelly

fast paced, glamorous and varied

seldom able to stop long enough to look for detail

involved in the great amount of documentation and very little hands on work involved

13: 13. Which statement is NOT TRUE?

Your Choice: Forensic means applied to law

Science and the law work together in forensic science

Correct Answer: Scientists and the law have worked together in forensic science since the days of the Bible

Some of the earliest forensic scientists were actually criminals working for the police force

The fictional character Sherlock Holmes introduced the idea of using scientific thinking to solve crimes

14: 14. A forensic investigator checks the fingerprints found at the site of the crime with those of a witness. The investigator reasons that the witness committed the crime. What step of the scientific method is this?


Correct: Hypothesis

Testing the hypothesis



15: Observations made at the crime scene by an investigator

must be documented accurately

are of great value in court

are a source of clues to help solve the crime

lead to a hypothesis about the cause of the crime

Correct: all of the above

16: 16. Securing the crime scene does not involve

protecting potential evidence from being destroyed

safety of those witnesses and investigators on the scene

including as few investigators and police officials as possible

Correct: walking extensively throughout the scene

keeping out curious onlookers even policemen

17: After the collection and examination of evidence the next step is

make a hypothesis

Correct: send the evidence to crime lab for further processing

write up testimony for the trial

interrogate the suspects

turn everything over the police captain

18: The goal of the forensic investigator as he collects evidence at the scene is

get as many pieces of evidence as possible in the shortest time

collect all possible pieces of evidence in a common container to be separated at the in the crime lab

catch a suspect quickly

Correct: preserve and document each piece of evidence in the best most appropriate manner

all of the above

19: 19. Physical evidence is often of greater value than observations remembered by witnesses because

observations and memories change

physical evidence does not forget the facts

observation and memory can be altered by perception

physical evidence does not change over time

Correct: all of the above

20: 20. Which of the following would be the best way to collect and preserve a letter by the victim found at the scene of an crime?

Correct: plastic envelope


refrigerated bottle

brown paper bag

label with a felt tip marker

21: 21. What type of crime was committed if the victim was attacked and beaten with a metal bar?

Correct: aggravated assault

simple assault



grand larceny

22: During the last century many changes have taken place in crime and punishment. The purpose of punishment has become

more vengeful

a means of serving justice

get the criminal off the street

Correct: help the guilty change their behavior

all of the above

23: Which of the following was the most important factor causing crime in the 20th Century?

increased population

a more stable economy

Correct: invention of cars and computers

lower church attendance

corrupt police departments

24: According to US statistics violent and armed crime has

Correct: decreased since 1994

increased since 1994

continually increased from 1900 to 2000

stayed about the same throughout the century

steadily decreased since 1950

25: A lesser criminal act which is generally punished less severely than felonies is called.




Correct: misdemeanor


26: What type of forensic scientist should be called if a group of human bones are discovered after a suspicious fire?

Forensic Osteologist

Physical anthropologist

Cultural anthropologist

Correct: Forensic anthropologist

Forensic boneologist

27: What seems to be a major reason for the recent increase in the number of students studying forensic science?

increased rates of crime

bored students

Correct: popularity of CSI television shows

increased awareness of a need for justice and freedom


28: Select the correct order for procedures at the crime scene.

Correct: set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt;walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;document evidence--%26gt;process evidence

set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;move bodies and evidence out of the way--%26gt;walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;document evidence--%26gt;process evidence

walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt; document evidence--%26gt;process evidence

set up perimeters--%26gt; document evidence--%26gt;process evidence--%26gt; isolate witnesses--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt;walk through--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner

set up perimeters--%26gt;isolate witnesses--%26gt;collect evidence from outer perimeter to inner--%26gt;document evidence--%26gt;process evidence--%26gt;planning strategy--%26gt;walk through

29: Bloodstain pattern analysis can help identify

type of weapon used

location of victim at time of injury was inflicted

suspect by matching to stains on clothing

type of impact victim received

Correct: all of the above

30: Questioned Documents used for evidence could include all BUT the following:

a pencil found near the victim

a photocopier used in a mail fraud case

computer disks found in the drawer of the victim

computer printer used by the suspect

Correct: handwriting analysis by graphology

Forinsic science help big grade?

this is not the homework section, it is the ethics section.

If your teacher wants to email us that it is ethical of us to do your homework for you, by all means have him or her do that .

Until then, maybe the homework forum is a better bet for you.

Forinsic science help big grade?


Forinsic science help big grade?

1. the first officer ont he scene

2. safety

3. all of the above

4. hair can be used in DNA analysis

5. they can be easily processed

11. defendant

15.all of the above

20. picture

25. misdeameanor

30.a pencil!

well there you go girlie this is all that i will give to you because as a person studying criminal justice you should have an eye for detail that is what your teacher should be lookin for in you in order to grade you the way he or she sees fit so I hope you get a good grade and I hope that you pay attention so that you can be great in whatevre you end up doing with this degree!

Forinsic science help big grade?

1.1st officer

2.catch the c

3.all of

5.they can be quickly

6.for DNA

7.share the love


15.all of the above



30. a Pencil

I took this test but you should of learned all of this in class b/c we both were there lol if you werent talking to your boyfriend lol :) j/k but hope this helped

Forinsic science help big grade?

Hey can you send me the answers that you finally got for those. I am in the same situation and need some help.


Forinsic science help big grade?

hey im in the same class as u.... when you find out what they are can you send them to me... im having a little troube.

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